we’re busting with eggs!
a somelet
Chaelee Dalton
or bursting, autocorrect making poems
from missed touches. So good with your fingers
and isn’t that what writing is? Your home
next to the chicken coop and the simmer
of oil on the stove. I want to fold
the omelet like a crease in my own hand
onto your plate, so casual to hold
you. Feeling like no man is an island
but knowing that we are born from water
breaking and in the pan the eggs forget
what it means to have a self, instead blur
membrane and yolk, all yellow and perfect
together. Hungry for the promise of
a body touching body, touching love.
Chaelee Dalton is a poet and physicist who was born in South Korea and now lives in Brooklyn. They have been published in several journals, including Impossible Archetype, ILDA South Korean Feminist Journal, and Careless Magazine. Their first chapbook, Mother Tongue, was chosen by Diana Khoi Nguyen as the winner of the Gold Line Press Poetry Chapbook Contest, and is forthcoming in fall 2020.