Summer of DIY Sacraments
Madeleine Wattenbarger
Go down to Brighton Beach and slough this off
Boardwalk borscht Slick-skinned families with leather
hides and I anoint myself with sun oil
Feet meet seafoam Kick shame around
This a lonely kelp-laced baptism
Immersion partial as faith Instead of doves, seagulls
Painted mouths, meet body and blood
I mark the goblet with lips
too red for the priest to wipe clean
I thought that was kind of the point:
swish of a towel between each sweaty congregant,
atonement for my dried-blood maw
Crude rite and aftermath
A week away from water, my body still molts
shore’s residue Flaking flesh Dandruff sand
I shudder off the earth, still
shed minerals still sputter spit salt
To dust again
Madeleine Wattenbarger is neither a nun, nor a barber, nor a college graduate, yet.