Phantom Nipple Burn
Melissa Joplin Higley
The window
of physical beauty
is small compared
to the human lifespan.
I remember, the body
knows how to die.
is like this now,
hoping, again,
for spring.
I chew on a dried apricot—
a small, flat sun.
Melissa Joplin Higley is the author of First Father (Bottlecap Press, 2023). Her poems appear or are forthcoming in B O D Y, Feral, Rise Up Review, Rogue Agent, Sleet Magazine, Whale Road Review, Writer’s Digest, and elsewhere. Melissa holds an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College, co-facilitates the Poetry Craft Collective, co-edits book reviews for MER, and serves as the 2024-2026 Town of Mamaroneck Author Laureate. Visit her online: