Cars Poetica
Richard Krohn
At times my lines
when left unchecked
lurch crazed across
the page as care-
Leslie as Nick
(Oh, teenaged rock!)
ānā rolling joints,
sext mess[ages],
so much that they
careen unbuck-
led beltway lanes
until their eve-
ry wordplayskids
in two an end.
Richard Krohn has spent most of his life up and down the East Coast, including two decades in eastern PA, and long-ago ties to Philadelphia and the U. of P. He has also lived for extended periods in Central America. At present, he's in Bethlehem, teaching at Moravian College. His poetry has appeared in dozens of journals, more recently in places like Poet Lore, Southern Poetry Review, Tar River, and Arts & Letters. He is always eager to connect about poetry and beyond at